WeCanReason Speakers’ Weekly Update

February 24, 2025

    Talk Nerdy with Cara Santa Maria Podcast – Dr. Cara Santa Maria

        Trans Technologies w/ Oliver Haimson

    TheThinkingAtheist YouTube – Seth Andrews

        The Strategy of Emergency: Scared Surrender to a Savior

    Friendly Atheist YouTube – Hemant Mehta

        Oklahoma lawmaker: I don’t want “pink-haired” atheists teaching the Bible in schools

    Friendly Atheist Substack – Hemant Mehta

        Oregon Democrat’s bill cracks down on Christian “health care cost sharing” ministries

    Sweary History with James Fell Substack

        Another Reason for Me Not to Visit the U.S.

February 25, 2025

    TheThinkingAtheist Podcast – Seth Andrews

        Divorcing Religion: a Survival Guide Through Doubt and Non-Belief (with Janice Selbie)

    Friendly Atheist YouTube – Hemant Mehta

        Katherine Stewart on how Christian Nationalism has changed over the past few decades

    Friendly Atheist Substack – Hemant Mehta

        Oklahoma wants to buy Bible-based “character lessons” for elementary schools

    Friendly Atheist YouTube – Hemant Mehta

        LIVE: Friendly Atheist News Roundup 2/26/2025

    TheThinkingAtheist YouTube – Seth Andrews

        Divorcing Religion: a Survival Guide Through Doubt and Non-Belief (with Janice Selbie)

    Friendly Atheist YouTube – Hemant Mehta

        Katherine Stewart on whether Jesus even matters to conservative Christians anymore

    Friendly Atheist Substack – Hemant Mehta

        BREAKING: Former Secular Coalition for America leader wins special election for Maine legislature

February 26, 2025

    AronRa YouTube

        When Did I Lie?

    The Body of Evidence Podcast – Jonathan Jarry

        127 – PCOS

    Friendly Atheist YouTube – Hemant Mehta

        Katherine Stewart on conservative Catholics, abortion, & Trump trying to end “anti-Christian” bias

    Friendly Atheist Substack – Hemant Mehta

        Survey: Christianity’s decline has slowed down… for now

    Divorcing Religion YouTube – Janice Selbie

        Beth Granger – Leaving the Cult Was Only Half the Battle

    Friendly Atheist Podcast – Hemant Mehta

        Interview with Katherine Stewart, author of “Money, Lies, and God”

    Friendly Atheist YouTube – Hemant Mehta

        Katherine Stewart on what Christians say to her about the threat of Christian Nationalism

February 27, 2025

    Friendly Atheist YouTube – Hemant Mehta

        GOP Congressman: It’s OK if Elon Musk fires you since “God has a plan and purpose for your life”

    Friendly Atheist Substack – Hemant Mehta

        GOP Congressman: It’s OK if Elon fires you since “God has a plan and purpose for your life”

February 28, 2025

    Friendly Atheist YouTube – Hemant Mehta

        Former Secular Coalition for America leader wins special election for Maine legislature

    AronRa YouTube

        How to Deceive Unbelievers

    TheThinkingAtheist YouTube – Seth Andrews

        Is Forgiving an Abuser “Being the Bigger Person?”

    Friendly Atheist Substack – Hemant Mehta

        WV Republicans want their Constitution to say the Bible is a “foundational text”

    AronRa YouTube

        Re: Trump v Zalenski

    AronRa YouTube

        Blasphemers Bible – 2 Kings 13

March 01, 2025

    Squaring the Strange Podcast – Celestia Ward

        Episode 248 – Furries with Gail De Vos

    Friendly Atheist YouTube – Hemant Mehta

        The Religious Landscape of America shows that Christianity’s decline has slowed down… for now

    Friendly Atheist Substack – Hemant Mehta

        Christian lawmaker still wants teachers to be able to hit students with disabilities

    TheThinkingAtheist YouTube – Seth Andrews

        Is “Religious Trauma” Really a Thing? (with counselor Janice Selbie)

    TheThinkingAtheist YouTube – Seth Andrews

        Who’s Responsible, and What Do We Do? (Your calls: 918-528-7244)

    Sweary History with James Fell Substack

        What in the Joseph Goebbels F*ck is Happening on Facebook?

    The Skeptic Zone Podcast – Richard Saunders

        The Skeptic Zone #856 – 2.March.2025

    AronRa YouTube

        Tatyana wanna wander

March 02, 2025

    Friendly Atheist YouTube – Hemant Mehta

        Oklahoma wants to buy Bible-based “character lessons” for elementary schools

    Friendly Atheist Substack – Hemant Mehta

        Atheist says Denver officials fired him after a religious discussion at a holiday party

    TheThinkingAtheist YouTube – Seth Andrews

        Does Fundie Religion Create/Attract Male Narcissist? (with Janice Selbie)

    Friendly Atheist YouTube – Hemant Mehta

        Quick Takes on a new Christian Savior, why red states need blue states, running for office, & more!

    AronRa YouTube

        Poor Subboor embarrasses himself again (Thanks Clint)

    AronRa YouTube

        An Atheist’s Summary of Jesus’ Teachings