Scientists Connect Water and Mars’s Red Hue
Scientists have uncovered a theory linking Mars’ red hue to ancient liquid water. This breakthrough could change how we view the planet’s history and its potential for life.
Blue Origin’s Lunar Gravity Test
Blue Origin’s New Shepard rocket has successfully simulated lunar gravity.
Microorganisms in Space: The Next Frontier
NASA astronauts are on a mission to explore life beyond Earth.
Lunar Vacuum Cleaner: NASA’s Next Big Step
NASA is gearing up for an exciting lunar mission which will deploy a “vacuum cleaner” designed to collect regolith samples from the Moon’s surface.
Mars Sample Return: The Race Is On
NASA is gearing up for a significant decision on its Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission, with a final call expected by 2026.
Mars Sample Return: The Race Is On
NASA is gearing up for a significant decision on its Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission, with a final call expected by 2026.
The Quest for Extraterrestrial Water: Humanity’s Next Frontier
Humanity’s future on the Moon and Mars depends on finding and using water, making it a cornerstone of extraterrestrial exploration.
Christmas Eve Sun Mission Was a Success
The Parker Solar Probe is celebrating a significant victory. After venturing close to the Sun, it has successfully survived the intense conditions of its latest mission.
Christmas Eve Sun Mission!
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe is gearing up for an epic moment. On Christmas Eve, it will soar to within about 3.8 million miles of the Sun’s surface, marking its closest approach yet.
How Martian Terrain Stopped Ingenuity in Its Tracks
NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter, a marvel of engineering, has hit a roadblock on Mars. The seemingly dull Martian landscape played a significant role in a rough landing at an unfortunate angle, sparking a series of events that led to its current state.